Same Painting - Different Photo Techniques
Are you looking to upload the photo of your painting? Are you wondering what is the best way to do it?
Well if you paint on paper then you have another choice that is very cost effective and yields good results.
The left photo was taken using a professional camera with professional lighting. This method was quite expensive since I paid for the professionals time.
The right photo was taken using an ordinary color scanner. My painting is on paper that is 30cm by 40cm and it does fit into the scanners that are found at foto shops. I had the painting scanned and I have to admit that I was quite happy with the results. The colors are not so vibrant as the left, they are lighter, but I can't say that it bothers me since it is very very close to the original painting.
The painting is of a man lying down and I chose to paint him in these bright pink and orange colors. I am passionate of the results I get from watercolors; it's a skill that takes time to acquire but once you're there you're usually addicted.