Paint with Watercolors


Don't give up. It takes time to achieve results so just give yourself a time frame which you will devote to trying and succeeding to create paintings using watercolors. This is my strongest advice to you. Just keep at it till you are able to see some results.

How did I start?

I attend a painting class for many years. Every Sunday morning I'm there and everyone that knows me knows that I make no other plans for Sunday morning. 

I was an oil painter and over my shoulder I saw a man paint with watercolors and I just loved his paintings. He did beautiful work; he was an architect by training and an Austrian meaning he was a perfectionist. His paintings held my interest. The way he worked with the watercolors got me to think that maybe I can do the same.

My teacher told me what to buy a) watercolor paints b) one round paintbrush with a tip c) cotton paper made for watercolors.

Those same paints that I bought at the beginning I still use today - I stick to that brand. They are very concentrated and last for a very long time.

The round paintbrush that I originally started with - well that did not stick. I recently bought a name brand brush and I love it.

The cotton paper - well that is a problem within itself. I have changed manufacturers over and over again. This issue of the paper is what will most effect the painting results. The paper is what will determine how the paint strokes are seen on paper or rather how they are totally transparent on paper.

Beginning to paint with watercolors 

I began to paint mainly by experimenting and finding my comfort zone. My teacher set me up with an easel and told me that you place the brush on the paper and with it you also pick up the extra wet paint. I fiddled around with this technique but I quickly decided that it is not for me. I did not have the control I wanted when standing and painting with watercolors. The color just dripped too quickly and I did not like the feeling that I need to chase these drips. Too much worry and not enough enjoyment in just painting.

I began to put the paper on the table, sit on a chair and paint over the paper. 

What I liked most is the way the paints mesh into each other creating a blend and at the same time each color was still visible. I would outline an area with water and then paint with the colors in that area only. That way I had the control over the area that is being painted.

Suggestion of how to Star

 After playing with the different blotches of watercolor I drew a face and then highlighted it with watercolor. Then as I felt more and more comfortable I added more watercolor...

Explore with what you like - I like the lips, the eyes and that is where my first attempts were made.

What do you think?

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